‘It’s real’
A seven-part look at how sexual assault is handled
at the University of Maryland
On Her Own
The university aims to resolve sexual misconduct cases in 60 business days, yet one student’s case dragged on for 152 business days.
Inside the Culture
Lacking guidance, fraternities and sororities turn to internal processes to cope with allegations of sexual assault within their community.
Care Granted
UMD officials call CARE “one of the most important resources” on campus, yet half the office’s staff is funded by temporary grants.
“I can never escape”
Many survivors say campus life can intensify the post-traumatic stress and anxiety they are already struggling to overcome.
Work in Progress
A due process lawsuit filed against this university highlights the challenges universities face as they strive to investigate sexual assault fairly and aggressively.
Insufficient Evidence
Sexual violence is rarely reported to police. UMPD officers undergo training on interviewing techniques specific to sexual assault survivors.
First Line of Defense
Between 50 and 70 percent of campus sexual assaults involve alcohol. Now, CARE to Stop Violence is training College Park bar staff in bystander intervention.